Therapeutic Form Drawing

            Form drawing is a subject taught in Waldorf schools throughout the land and in other lands as well, but it is something taught as a subject only in Waldorf schools. Form drawing is  healing in general, as it develops eye-hand coordination, the senses of balance and movement, among many other things, but therapeutic form drawing is a method of using the forms for healing in specific ways.
            Recently published are my six books, Clearing Forms Volume One, Healing Forms Volume Two, Strengthening Forms Volume Three,  Protecting Forms Volume Four, Transmuting Forms Volume Five, and Awakening Forms Volume Six. These address form drawing in a different way from that in which it would be taught in school to children. The forms in my books are for anyone who wishes to supplement a health routine or needs to address an ongoing health issue (or even an acute issue—but go to the emergency room first!!).
            Using the forms for therapy is fun and simple. Find in the book a form that is meant to address your particular complaint (digestive, viral, bacterial, allergy, etc) and draw it large—on a piece of printer paper—and trace it with a colored pencil in the color indicated. If drawing is very hard for you, no worries! Just enlarge the drawing that’s in the book on a copier and trace that, OR you could even just trace the form in the book itself; although it will be small, doing this will still be helpful. Repetition is important, but the number of times you trace the form, as long as you trace it each day, is pretty much up to you. You may redraw the form each time if you wish, but you may also just use the same drawing, tracing it over and over again.
            Clearing Forms is the first volume because before we can really heal from an ailment, we have to clear it from our systems. This volume includes forms for clearing the above mentioned problems, but also eczema, acne, toxins, mold, yeast,  and fungi, the endocrine system glands, and even offers a form for clearing the mind for a good night’s sleep, as well as a 28-day detox plan for clearing addictions.
            The second volume, Healing Forms, comes next. After we’ve cleared the liver of toxins, for instance, we now need to help it heal the damage done. Clearing your cold virus will make you feel much better already, but your whole system has been rattled by the illness and requires attention to fully heal.
            Strengthening Forms is the third book with the next step that everyone in our busy culture likes to pretend doesn’t exist—recovery! Once we have healed from an injury or illness, we tend to think that’s it, we’re done. Actually, however, if we make the effort to strengthen ourselves, even to (wait for it) take an extra day off (!!!!) we give ourselves a much better chance of remaining healthy, of NOT relapsing or immediately taking on the next round of flu virus floating about. The forms in this book help you put the finishing touch on the healing and should not be ignored.
            Protecting Forms is the fourth volume, as these forms can be used to protect yourself from future incursion or invasion. This volume of forms may also be used before the Clearing Forms book as a preventative set of forms! Make yourself strong beforehand and you won’t even need the first volume!
            Each of the six volumes offers forms for the issues listed in the paragraph about Clearing Forms, but other issues are addressed as well, in each of the volumes: mental and emotional health, skin health, heart health, eye health, and Protecting Forms directly addresses soul-spiritual health as well. All of this work is firmly rooted in the understanding of anthroposophy and the work of Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf education, biodynamic farming, and many other useful areas of life, but the information given in the books described here comes out of my own working with the forms and will not be found elsewhere. Steiner gave indications about how form drawing should be taught in schools, but left the rest to us to discover, as he did with much else.

Note: I am NOT a doctor or therapist, and the forms offered in these books are not to take the place of any treatment your doctor recommends for you but only to be used as a supplementary aid to restoring and maintaining health.​​

Clearing Endocrine System Form: Volume 1​

(This should be done in yellow; I drew it in purple so you can see it better in this video)

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Volume One introduces the series of form drawing books for addressing health issues. The introduction explains how the forms are to be drawn and traced and the reasons why. It offers 74 single forms for clearing various complaints such as cold viruses, eczema, bloating, and toxins, as well as three sequences of forms for dealing with emotional issues. A special section on clearing addictions is included, as addiction is a huge issue in our time. One does NOT have to be an artist to use the forms! They may be copied and traced or simply traced onto the book itself.

Healing Forms is the second in the series, as one needs to heal after clearing a complaint or issue. Following an outline similar to the first volume, this book makes it easy to use in conjunction with the first. Clearing Forms begins with a section called Clearing the Endocrine System, while Healing Forms begins with a section called Healing the Endocrine System, and so forth. 74 forms are given here. This volume includes a section in the appendix for Waldorf teachers and how to teach form drawing most effectively to children.    

Strengthening Forms:
Volume Three

Strengthening Forms Volume Three comes third, as recovery from as illness is important if we are not to have the illness or something related to it return to bother us. Again, this volume is arranged for convenient use in conjunction with the first two volumes. 101 forms are offered in this book. This volume includes a follow-up plan to the addiction detox program given in Clearing Forms. 

Protecting Forms:  
Volume Four

Protecting Forms can be used at any time during the therapeutic process. The
63 forms in this volume help one address the issues underlying the complaints. All illness stems from spiritual malady, whether from spiritual injury due to violation by another or imbalance due to our own actions or choices, and these issues must eventually be faced so that we can move forward in life and truly meet our destiny in the way that we would wish. The forms in this book address dealing with the spiritual and soul levels of the injuries of child molestation, hatred, grief, untruth, and other sources of damage. These help us begin to get to the bottom of what is ailing us.

All eight volumes are AVAILABLE NOW!


Also available in-person at the Rudolf Steiner College Bookstore in Manhattan 

For large bulk orders of 20 books or more, or for international orders, please contact Laura directly via email
138 West 15th Street, New York, NY 1001

These books are offered as a therapeutic aid only, a supplement to other medical and/or psychiatric treatments. Also, the form drawing books offered here are not intended for general classroom use. 

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Transmuting Forms: 
Volume Five

Transmuting Forms could be called Anthroposophy’s answer to the popular adult coloring book fad of recent years, but this is coloring at a whole new level!  This book offers a new method of self-transformation through the artistic working with the forms using color and concentration. The forms in this book are given without color and may be colored in according to the reader’s inclination, with certain guidelines.  The simple method is described clearly in the book, which also offers text concerning the important work of the conscious human being in this epoch and the next, including how to deal with the double and working with the spiritual world and the elementals.
Awakening Forms: 
Volume Six

  Have you been joyfully working with the forms in the first five volumes? Ready for more? Order Awakening Forms, the next step on the path of initiation through form drawing! Build on what you've already accomplished, recover from the ravages of materialism, and awaken to becoming a co-creator in Earth’s destiny. This volume delineates a clear path, via a series of form sequences, to strengthening the vital forces, the life body, and renewing that deep connection to the spiritual world which makes us fully human.

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Developing Forms:  Volume Seven

Developing Forms is all about clearing, healing, strengthening, and protecting the etheric body, the body of vital forces that gives life to our physical body. The etheric body needs special attention in our time, as we deal with new forces that compromise its health and our overall well-being. This book takes the form drawing aficionado through the four layers of the etheric body, relating them to the World Ether via significant forms and colors, helping to develop a strong body of life forces that can withstand compromising influences such as EMFs, MFs, and various diseases and viruses. Fourteen forms are given for each layer of the etheric, along with a short text or verse that conveys the fundamental meaning of the form. This book is, as are the other volumes in this series, offered as supplemental support to any other health treatments or programs
and not intended to replace them.

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Restoring Forms:
Volume Eight

This volume, with 94 forms, picks up where Volume Seven leaves off. This newest volume takes the artist through the rhythm of the year with forms for each festival! The festivals feature observances in the Christian year. Also included are the Eightfold Path forms, forms for the eight solar festivals of the pagan year, forms for the monthly virtues as given by Rudolf Steiner, as well as forms for the Foundation Stone verses by Steiner. 

One may take up the work presented in this volume in one way if one has completed the forms in Developing Forms Volume Seven and in another way if one is a beginner or at some other point along the path. 

"Laura's work is intuitive and deeply personal. Each time I have worked with the assigned forms I find new growth within myself. Sometimes I have blocks about getting started, but once I have begun the consistent work, I experience palpable transformation." 

- Courtney Wilson
"Not so long ago, I have had the good fortune of a personal session with you, Laura. The forms you channeled for me have been very helpful. I have kept up the work consistently. I am so grateful to you and to the spiritual beings who are working with you and are helping me and humanity evolve." 

-Ursula Leonore